Monday, November 26, 2007

baby baby

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving... we did! We ate, took turns sleeping in, had fun with family, played games with friends, watched movies, put up lights, the kids' Christmas tree, shopped...we had a fun family weekend.

Today was my first doctor's appointment, I got the TOTAL yearly checkup :P ,but then they made up for it by doing an ultrasound so I got to see the little "peanut" and heard the heartbeat (which was 171 beats per minute, isn't that supposed to tell something about the sex?) So here's what the baby looks like now:

My official due date is June 28th. I am measuring at a good 10 weeks and I am already sort of "bloated" looking :P

I got to bring one of the ultrasound pics home and each kid said the same thing when I showed it to to them: "I don't see it." lol

Tessa wants to name the baby Samson or Sarah.

Jonah wants to name the baby Isaac or Dora.

Caleb wants Isaiah or Beth.

(these are today's names and will be different tomorrow, except for Tessa, she's been stuck on her names for a week or so!)

MY favorite names...I have too many to list them all but a couple of them are Anna, Maggie, Noah (is that too close to JONAH do you think?) and Benjamin.

I'm really hoping that in a few weeks, when the first trimester is over, then I will regain my ENERGY and won't be so tired. I will be taking a break from jewelry for most of December so I can be with my family and RELAX!!! I've been blessed with very understanding customers, but I feel extremely bad when I can't keep up with orders the way I would like to, and also a bit stressed! I'm looking forward to the Holiday break :D

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