Wednesday, September 5, 2007

big girl bed

Over the weekend Caleb made a "wish list" of things he wanted to do that day. So we did them all, he was thrilled! One thing was "toys R us" and while we were there, Tessa and I spotted a cute little bed for her...Daddy set it all up for her that night. She loves it and she even picked a new little "blankie", the striped one.

Aunt Jennifer made her the pretty pink and zebra print pillow last year and she insists on having it every night. This picture is from her first morning waking up in her big girl bed, can you tell she likes it?

(did you notice baby frog is back? he's by the pillow!)

I was so excited when I found this green dresser at the Post, my favorite store I could spend HOURS in. It was a great bargain, has sort of a shabby chic look to it (can't really see it in the pic but it's sanded in spots) and looks perfect in Tessa's room. I'm debating painting her room pink, the blue is the color it was when we moved in and is a bit overwhelming. Do I really have time (aka: patience) to paint a room right now...??? I'll probably get to it the same day I get to listing these :)

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