Monday, April 14, 2008

where'd I go...?

Thanks to those of you who have emailed to check up on me... you're right, it's rare for me to be quiet for so long...!

So where'd I go? We had to have our septic system replaced last week (let's all say it together- EEEWWWWWWWW!) Because it had rained so much last week the ground was really soft and the tractor that was tearing up our backyard (Ryan is soooo happy about that) sunk into our cable wires and disconnected them--- leaving us without cable or internet for the entire weekend, ACK!

The cable guys tried coming out on Saturday to fix the wires while we were at soccer games, but our mean and viscious dog scared them away *snicker*- he's more apt to lick you to death than anything.

The irony? There have been MANY times that I have just randomly looked in the backyard and have seen one or more cable guys back there working- we have a main box by our back fence that runs several houses (maybe the whole neighborhood as much as they're back there!) I have been so mad with them before for not letting me know they would be back there. I'm thinking it's our yard, they should have to let us know, right? Once my kids came in and said there was a man in the backyard, he just climbed in from over the fence in the back (he didn't even use the gate). Another time we came home and my kids ran outside to play to find about 6 workers digging up our yard along the back fence- yet no one had let us know ahead of time they'd be back there and our "viscious" dog just kept dropping his chewed up soccer ball at their feet in hopes they would kick it for him. They were digging huge holes and they weren't getting into trouble, they were his heroes...

I've called to complain and asked to make a note to call ahead or come to the door and let us know if they need to be in our backyard, but they still don't.

Wouldn't you be mad????

So probably a dozen times or so, when we didn't want the cable guys in our yard, they were back there with the dog tagging along just fine but without permission. The one time we want them back there so they can fix something for us, they get scared of the dog and leave. *sigh*

Hopefully it gets fixed today so I don't have to keep coming to this coffee shop with my laptop... and eating a muffin... and maybe some carrot cake... and of course the peppermint hot chocolate... my doctor will not be happy with me at weigh in this week!

If you've emailed me and I haven't replied, I'm so sorry! You may want to try to email me again as it may have gotten lost in the email build-up over the last few days.

I have some upcoming collaborations and new jewels to show, so stay tuned and I'll be back to my regularly scheduled blogging...

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