We had a busy day outside all afternoon with soccer games and then Ryan and Gpa D took the kids to the park and they hit golf balls and hit some balls at the batting cages. On the way home, around 5:30, Ryan noticed in the rear view mirror Caleb didn't look quite right.
Thinking he was just worn out and exhausted from a busy day and maybe dehydrated, Ryan laid him on our bed and tried to give Caleb water to which Caleb was totally unresponsive. We would try talking to Caleb but he just stared off into space. Ryan scooped him up and headed to an after hours clinic...
At the clinic, as Ryan was checking Caleb in, Caleb had a full blown seizure right there in Ryan's arms. The staff yelled to call 911 as Ryan held on tight. He put his finger in Caleb's mouth to keep his teeth safe and it last 5-6 minutes, although to Ryan it seemd like forever. After it was over the staff started getting ready to transport Caleb in an ambulance to the Emergency room and Ryan calls me, in tears, to tell me what happened.
I met them at the hospital along with my Dad and Ryan's parents, and by the time they arrived Caleb was pretty sedated to help keep him calm. It's hard seeing your child all wraped up in wires, nose oxygen, chest stickers... I can't even imagine having to see what all Ryan saw.
They did a Catscan, EKG and blood work all of which came back NORMAL, thank you LORD!
We got our own room at the Children's Hospital about 11pm, Caleb had fallen asleep around 9pm, slept through his transport to the room, and didn't wake up til 3:30 am. I slept with him in his bed and when he woke up he asked us "why am I here?" He doesn't remember anything after the car ride home after the park.
He seems totally back to normal now and all of the doctors are positive he's going to be just fine. They have no idea WHY he had the seizures, and say he may or may not have another one. Some kids just have occasional seizures with unknown causes. We will be seeing a pediatric neurologist to discuss everything and we've been given medicine to give to him during a seizure if it happens again that will calm him down, but we're believeing this was his LAST ONE!!!
All of Caleb's memories are positive ones which I'm thankful for! He loves the "cast" they gave him that was to protect his iv. He loved that he could eat whatver he wanted and the first thing he ordered at 4 am was ice cream and milk. Caleb thought the hospital bed was lots of fun (lots of buttons) and made it go up and down as he pleased, plus they had an X-Box for him to play...
He was given a bear by one of his nurses, unfortunately Ryan is a Nebraska Cornhusker fan! Caleb has named him "Bo" after his ER doctor...
Ryan ran home in the morning to take a shower, grab some clean clothes for Caleb and bring breakfast (and COFFEE!), so I had him grab my camera so Caleb would have memories of his hospital trip...
You can see form the pics he's feeling ALL BETTER!
LOTS of THANKS to all of our friends and family that watched the little ones, called, stopped by, brought us food and prayed, we told Caleb about each one of you and he just grinned :)
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