Tessa is all into having a baby sister. She has helped me organize their closets, picked out the blankets she wanted to keep for the baby, she tells everyone (more than once) that she's having a baby sister and she reminds me about 5 times a day.
Once the baby is sleeping through the night we have decided Tessa and she can share a room, and Tessa has shown me which closet the baby can have (her room has 2) and she wants a pink room with a purple closet for her and a green or blue closet for the baby. I'm excited to get the paints and get started on their room!
Last night I had dinner with my girl friends which turned into a 4 hour chat fest (don't you love those?)
Then I fell asleep on the couch and when I went to crawl into my bed around 2am there was a very feverish little girl waiting for me. Rats. I grabbed her some medicine and ice water, Ryan took Jonah upstairs and stayed up there with him while Tessa and I snuggled- and chatted. The girl wanted to TALK about EVERYTHING from Cinderella to her baby sister to her princess "CBD", aka "DVD", that Daddy let her rent that night. (I have comtemplated correcting her but it's so cute hearing her say CBD's so seriously!) We chatted for over an hour.
A photography group I am in has weekly photo challenges and this week's theme is "animals". These are my 2 favorites I took of Ricky:
His tongue is so long! This is his preferred way to drink :)
After several belly picture requests (I'm assuming you all want to see my belly and not my wiggling bootie, correct?) I tried to teach Ryan how to use the camera and take some pics of me, but none of them came out :(
I'll try to get one soon :)
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