Friday, March 14, 2008


This week has been Spring Break.

As a pregnant Mom of 3 kids under 7, this week has been tiresome! We have had soccer practice or scrimmages everyday but wednesday, went to OKC to visit grandparents on Wednesday, and thankfully beautiful weather has allowed trips to the park and trampoline jumping. I've tried keeping them busy with painting, legos, computer games, reading books, and yes I've let them play Gamecube and watch movies probably more than they should :P

There has also been a fair share of squabbles and lots of "he won't share!", "Tessa thinks she's the boss of me!", and "the boys won't let me play with them!" The two phrases that I detest the most are "I'm bored" and "I'm hungry", I have heard these more than any parent should have to.

Then there's the bathroom call from Tessa, "Mommy, can you come wipe my bootie?"

And my house...I won't even go there. It's a mess, I'l leave at that. I don't see the point in cleaning when they just go right behind me and mess it all up again :P

Today we went birthday shopping for Ryan and the kids were pretty good so we stopped at Krispy Kreme to treat ourselves to a doughnut. I was feeling kinda blah, so I decided I would get 2 doughnuts (because, you know, that makes everything all better, lol). When the kids saw my extra Jonah says "Hey no fair! Why do you get TWO?" I simply replied "One is for the baby." "Oh," he replies and I could tell the wheels were churning in his little head as he thought about that. "OK." I was off the hook :)

Just 3 more days until school is back in :)

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