It has been raining here for several days. The skies are gray and overall just miserable weather. I want to crawl back into bed, pull the blankets over my head and sleep this day away. Or watch a good chick movie. But I have already scooted one kid and husband out the door to school and work, and I have exactly one hour to wake up the 2 remaining sleepy heads, feed them, get them dressed and drive them to their Mother's Day Out class at our Church. Today is my day to get caught up on jewelry orders, but instead I have so much other stuff to do- like pet sitting for our good friends and their 6 dogs and 1 parakeet (I can NOT imagine having 6 dogs unless I lived on a farm or something), Jonah has his Kindergarten interview today, the bead store in ineveitable for the 3rd time in a week (hey, custom means custom, right?)...and it all has to be done in the rain. Maybe I'll at least see a rainbow today.
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