My oldest son Caleb has seen me on eBay everyday and has asked me numerous times if he can make something. So today I gave him full reign over my beads and some memory wire and here's what he came up with:
I was surprised at how he actually made patterns with the beads, I had expected him to just throw a bunch on there in no particular order, I didn't help him at all (except to bend in the wire at the ends so the beads wouldn't fall off). After he made them he wanted to take pictures and LIST THEM! I started to say no way jose, but then I thought "why not?" It is .20 listing day after all! So he helped me take the pics, pick out the pics, picked the template border, the whole process he helped with.
Grandma D, don't you think Sydney will love these?
It was so cute watching him go through the whole eBay process and making the decisions, he really thought hard about them! You can see his auction here.
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