So after the heated soccer game (see post below) they had their end of the year soccer party- cake, trophies, pinata, fun- and then I had exactly 45 minutes to take the boys to Wal-Mart to buy a birthday present and then drive to Coweta (far away town) for Jonah's friend's from school birthday party.
I am ashamed to admit that I am really bad about their friends' birthday parties- we hardly ever go and 90% of the time I forget to RSVP to say that we're not coming. But as the boys have gotten older I've seen how much having their friends come really means to them and how important it is for me planning the party to know who's coming, and decided to be better. So today was my first redemption party. Before leaving for Caleb's game this morning I grabbed the invite and threw it in my purse, and I called to RSVP on the way to the game- I know, late notice, I said I'm getting better- not perfect. The lady that answered wasn't the Mom, Mom wasn't home, so I asked (whom I'm pretty certain was Grandma) if it was okay for us to still come- she seemed puzzled but said of course, so I said tell Mom that Jonah will be there, see you later, bye, and hung up.
Soccer party ends, I throw the boys in the van, race to the nearest Wal-Mart, fly threw the store grabbing a toy, proper wrapping materials and a new outfit and flip flops for Caleb (I had forgotten a change of clothes and shoes for him- actually I hadn't planned on him coming, but just how the day worked out) then sprinting back for the batteries for the toy that I had forgotten, jumped back into the van, then raced onward to Coweta to the party.
An hour or so later as we arrive (late) I notice there aren't any cars parked in the driveway and I thought wow, not many kids are coming, I'm glad we came. Then I jokingly thought 'what if it's not today? ha ha'. Then I
really thought "what if it's not today?????? CRAP!" I drove down the road and frantically looked at the invitation- all it said was the 20th. I'm a stay at home Mom, I don't know what the date is- ever. So I called Ryan to ask him, no answer. I dug out my Wal-Mart receipt- it's the 19th. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I just sat there stunned.
Stinkin' redemption party. I seriously contemplated taking the gift to the door saying I didn't plan on coming all of the way back out here tomorrow, but thought that would be in poor taste- and it was totally my fault for not checking my calendar. EVERY party my kids have ever been invited to have been on SATURDAY, NEVER on Sunday, so when I saw the invite I just assumed that the 20th was a Saturday. Oy. So we will be heading back out to Coweta tomorrow afternoon :) On the drive home I reminded myself "this is why we don't go to parties." I give up...til next Saturday-- Jonah has another party :)