Ryan told me I have been slacking on my blog and pictures... so I apologize for being such a blog slacker!
But I've been having computer issues that have been frustrating me to tears!
For example:
I had kid free time last night to ship a bunch of orders out but. my. computer. locked. up. AGAIN. I came out in tears, knowing Eden would be awake and wanting to nurse soon and my "free time" was almost up, so Ryan, seeing my agony, did what he could for a temporary fix.
The words "new computer" are being tossed around. My fingers and toes are crossed.
An online business needs a dependable computer! And especially being a Mom of 4, it HAS to work when I have that window of golden opportunity of kids being occupied!!! Right Moms??? You feel my pain, I'm sure :)
In the meantime, I almost bought Tessa a crystal hair barrette about a week ago, but right before I clicked on "add to my cart" I had a brief thought of "I bet I could make these". So I did!
I added pearls to them, of course :)
They are so fun and I love have something new and different to play with! I plan on adding them to my Etsy shop soon!
Here's a sneak peek of a few I have made so far...
What do you think!?
Let's give one away!!!
I need names for them (and other colors as well). Tell me some name ideas (like, for example, the pink and orange I thought of calling it "euro so fun" and the multi colored one I may call it "birthday bling" or something like that).
What other colors would you like to see and what would you call it?
I think I may make matching bracelets also... :)
So post some ideas and the one that I use will win one in their choice of colors!
*PS* I'm not going to publish the comments for all to see, I'm keeping all these fabulous ideas all to myself!!! (insert evil laugh here) bwa-ha-ha-ha!
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