A few weeks ago the boys and I were driving down the highway to the dentist. The boys were playing with their army guys in the back of our van. And it was POURING down rain. Like the kind of torrential down pour where you can't see, even with your windshield wipers going full blast. We weren't going very fast but I noticed it was getting slick so I told to the boys to tighten up their seatbelts.
"Why?" they asked me.
"Beacuse the rain is kinda dangerous and I want you to be safe, so pull them tight!"
Then Caleb and I hear Jonah whispering loudly to himself with his eyes closed.
I smile, knowing full well what he was doing, but had to ask him, "what'cha doin' Jonah?"
"Praying," Jonah answers. "I prayed for the rain to stop."
About 30 seconds the later the rain stopped.
I kid you not. Not a single drop was coming down.
Caleb was very impressed by his little brother! He kept saying things like "wow!" and "way to pray!"
Jonah just shrugged. "Of course it stopped. I prayed. God hears my prayers!" Like it was no big deal.
And he went back to playing with his army guys.
Can you guess what Jonah's favorite Bible story is? It's where he keeps his tassle...
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