lil fingers...
long toes (check out her pinkie toe!)...
what we've done all week...
where we've been cuddling, napping and nursing all week (in the best chair ever, with my baby supply basket and hospital water cup- I love those!)...
Tomorrow Eden will be a week old!
Ryan has been home all week long keeping the kiddos entertained, and they have been on the GO GO GO! This week they've seen movies at the theater, swam at the pool a few times, went to several parks, went fishing, had a picnic, went to the zoo, played at their friend's house (the dads played while the kids played!)... all while Eden and I hung out at home cuddling :)
One evening Ryan came home so tired he fell asleep cuddling with Eden...
We were so blessed to have Ryan's sister arrange meals for us from family and friends- overall we are set up for about 2 weeks of dinners! Thank you everyone! So far we have had lasagne, baked chicken and veggies, a chicken pasta bake casserole, a pork roast and tonight Johnny Carino's was delivered to our door- we have awesome friends :)
Eden has adjusted well and slept so long last night that I had to wake her up around 3 am, I was getting uncomfortable if ya know what I mean. Then she went right back to sleep until 8 am! The kids LOVE her and constantly want to hold her.
Once while Jonah was holding her she went to the bathroom and it was pretty loud. He asked "what was that?" And I said "She's going potty- but she has a diaper on, it's okay", but he didn't care, diaper or not. "Here ya go Mommy" he said leaning her towards me, he could not give her back to me fast enough and then inspected his shirt for any mess before running off! I laughed and laughed...!
The roofers are still working but they're not right above our bedroom (where they were on Monday morning :P ) so it's not so bad :) plus they're taking the rest of the weekend off (woo-hoo!)
My parents are coming up tomorrow to watch Eden so we can take the other 3 out to celebrate- hope you all have a fabulous 4th of July!
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