Thursday, January 3, 2008

a tooth story

Ryan took the boys to their dentist appointment yesturday and then calls me with totally shocking news- Caleb has 2 (gulp) cavities!


We are avid brushers and all of our kids like to brush their teeth. We have a set for each kid upstairs and downstairs, for morning and night. They each have a regular toothbrush and their own electric spin brush. How could this be? The nurse calls me today to talk about it and schedule the fillings and I tell her how shocked I am and assure her we make sure our kids brush their teeth.

"But do they floss?" she asks me.

Uh, not really. Every once in a while Ryan or I get a wild hair and floss their teeth, but not regularly or anything.

"That's why," the nurse tells me. "His cavities are between his teeth where only floss would get to."


I had no clue that 6 year olds needed to regularly floss- does everyone else floss their kids teeth regularly? Am I the only bad Mom that doesn't do this? I NEVER flossed as a kid and I have never had a cavity.

So I scheduled his fillings for Monday, please pray that it goes smoothly. At least they are baby teeth and will fall out, we get a second chance to cavity free smiles.

Something to smile about:

When Ryan and the boys were leaving the Dentist's office Ryan says to Caleb "Did you hear what you have?" meaning the cavities.

Caleb looks real serious and says "I know, I know. I have CALORIES."

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