Ryan and I saw "I am Legend"- I clutched Ryan's arm the entire movie, it's scary intense but good.
Went to several Christmas parties and hosted one at our house. We played The Newlywed Game, Dirty Santa, Catch Phrase and Pictionary, boys vs. girls, The girls won (of course).
Baked cookies for Santa and cupcakes for Jesus, we lit candles and sang "Happy Birthday Jesus" since that's what Christmas is really all about.

Went to a doctor's appointment, Tessa got to hear the baby's heartbeat, my doctor was grumpy!
Bought my first pair of maternity jeans, they're big on me but MUCH more comfy!!!
Went to Nebraska, saw lots of Ryan's family, ate great food, played in the snow

and sled down Bunker Hill.

Caleb wiping out:

Came home Sunday night from Nebraska, I even got a footrub on the way home while Ryan
drove (he's multitasking, lol)

and caught a pretty Nebraska sunset:

Celebrated New Year's with friends playing
Farkle, any other Farklers out there? It has taken the place of card games in our house.

Went to buy paint for Tessa's room, came home with too many paint samples to choose from. Anyone have a good pink they can recommend?

Today we are just getting ready to get back to normal life.
Tomorrow the boys go back to school and Ryan returns to work.
*sigh* I'm having a hard time with vacation being over. Maybe that means it was a good one :)