Tessa loves to pretend, and everyday she has a new identity. She claims to be all sorts of people and things from Dora and a baby to different animals- especially Baby Jaguar (any Diego fans out there?) Then she insist on being called that name, and no longer answers to her real name. For example, if she decides she's "the Mommy" (one of her most common aliases) then she simply tells me "Mommy, I'm the Mommy and you're the Sister." I say okay, and then a few minutes later I may ask her "Tessa are you hungry?" Silence. "Tessa? Want a snack?" She continues with whatever she's doing. "Tessa!" She gets exasperated with me for not remembering and proclaims "I'm NOT Tessa, I'm the Mommy!" This could go on all day and she switches her title frequently throughout the day, some days it's hard to keep up and I have to ask her "now who are you again?".

The boys have been talking alot about their future wives lately. At church one night while all of the kids were playing 4 year old Jonah stood on the sidelines just looking at everyone. When the teacher asked him what was wrong he replied "I'm just trying to figure out which girl I will marry when I grow up". He told me that he wants 4 kids, the baby boys will cry but the girls won't, and that his wife's job will be to give him lots of kisses everyday. There's a girl named Olivia I have yet to meet, but seems he has some hopes of marrying her, she's brought up often.
One day we were leaving school and Caleb (who was 5 at the time) says "see that girl? She's gonna be my wife someday." He did this on 2 seperate occasions, once with me and once with his Grandma. I made a mental note of this girl because, simply, what if? Wouldn't it be such a sweet story to tell someday?!

We have already begun praying for the kids future spouses, we figure it's never too early for something so important.
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