I finally switched my eBay id! It's something I have wanted to do for awhile- I just didn't feel like bellatessa*jewels was a permanent fit for me. After much thinking and pondering over a new name and no success I had given up. Then just a few days ago as I was making the Vintage Butterfly necklace the name just fell out of the sky and hit me- the Vintage Pearl! I loved it immediately and called my sister-in-law Jennifer right away, as we discuss ALL important (and unimportant) decisions at least 5 times a day, and I knew she'd be honest. She loved it, too, and today I made the official switch on eBay.
I LOVE pearls, and as the Vintage Pearl (the_vintage_pearl is how it shows on eBay) I will include at least one pearl on every piece I make- even if it's just on the end of the growth chain. This will be my signature mark on my jewels- fun, right? Obviously, if a customer doesn't want the pearl then I will gladly leave it off for them, but I can't imagine very many people not liking pearls.
One thing I hadn't thought about is as bellatessa*jewels I would be at the TOP of the favorite sellers list for anyone that had saved me, and now I'm at the BOTTOM. *sigh*
I'm so excited about my new name... now I need to post about it, send a newsletter to my subscribers, make new logos, change my me page, get a new e-mail address...
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