Ribbon Rock Star has just awarded me with the Thinker Blogger Award- isn't she sweet??? She says I'm creative and have a great heart- Linda you have made my day! For anyone that hasn't read Linda's blog- you have to make it a daily ritual! She's hilarious and always gives me a chuckle!
So now it's MY turn to hand out 5 Thinker Blogger Awards!!!
1. First, I am awarding Jennifer of
Bella Tessa Designs who, for those that don't know, is my sister-in-law. I am married to her brother. We have 4 year old sons that are 3 weeks apart and 2 year old daughters that are 3 months apart! Amazing, right? Anyways, Jennifer is the BEST sil one could ask for- she lets me whine and complain when I need to vent, has the right things to say when I need them, makes me laugh, encourages me...I could go on for days, but basically she's a great friend and having grown up with 4 brothers- she's the sister I always wanted!
2. Next I pick Christine of
Boutique GenMarie because she always picks the BEST fabrics! Her designs are so fun to look at- plus she's totally sweet! I just won an outfit from her and I can't wait to get it!!!!!
3. This one goes to Chelsea of
Vintage*Chic Boutique because of her amazing bathroom transformation! She has me thinking about trying to FINALLY get mine done! She's also super talented and creates amazing outfits!
4. I'm picking
Morgan because she always has something funny on her blog- a joke, cute story or something her kids said. Plus she leaves super sweet comments!
5. Finally I pick Gyl of
Rhembein whom I don't know at all, but I LOVE the scenery pics on her blog- her home is amazing! You should check it out! She even has sheep that she has named!
Okay now here are the rules:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the memo.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. (Mine isn't showing up for some reason, I will try to repost later or you can go to Ribbon Rock Star's blog and steal hers!)
Have fun!