Lisa B.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
a little hairy...
Caleb (age 7)- when you get older, you will have lots of hair in your armpits. (this immediately got my attention so I listened in)
Jonah (age 5)- hair? here? (I imagine him pointing at one of his armpits.)
Caleb: yep. it's how you know you're old. like Daddy.
Jonah: but Mommy doesn't have hair in her armpits...?
Caleb: that's because she's younger than Daddy. She just hasn't grown hers yet.
I love listening to Caleb sharing his "wise" big brother knowledge :)
a bloggy giveaway...

Bloggy Giveaways is giving away 2 custom pieces from the vintage pearl!!!
Click here to go and enter!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
picture therapy...
here's the kind of day I had yesterday...
she looks how I felt at the end of the day... I really dislike mondays.
then tuesday comes and everything is back to it's regularly scheduled happy chaos... :)
ahhhh, much better :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
weekend sale!!!!
I'm so happy for the weekend!!! Lazy mornings of waffles and cuddles on the couch during saturday morning cartoons while sipping fresh coffee and waiting for soccer and football game times... the perfect way to relax after a busy week!
So let's have a sale!
Everything in my Etsy shop is 20% off!
Just type in the code "I love weekends" in the notes to seller box as you check out and then DON'T PAY, I will send you a new invoice with your 20% off!
This is a great time to get some presents off your Christmas list!!! The sale will end sunday night at midnight!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
thunder thighs and capris...
how stinkin' cute are these thighs...?
wish I looked this cute in a onesie!
My sweet Eden, I love you so much... I love cuddling and playing with you and your big gummy smile is so contagious!
You have got to quit waking up at 5 am to eat. And play. For over an hour.
Beacuse Mommy is so tired after 4 early mornings with you! Let's go back to sleeping in til 8 am and then we can eat and play, k?
I doubt she's gonna listen to me ;)
Today Tessa had on some "capris" I didn't recognize...
so I checked the tag...
and I realized they fit her as pants about 3 years ago! But she thinks they're capris, and they actually fit her kinda cute!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
photography 101 and christmas in september...
Last night I started a photography class with my friend Kristen- she asked if I was interested and I thought "a night out, to play with my camera? Absolutely!"
So for the first class I knew how to do everything he taught (all in manual mode), I just didn't know what it was all called. Like f-stop and apertures. I've just been winging it all through a tiny bit of reading the manual and trial and error. I refer to them as this button and that button, and the dial right here. So I'm excited to learn the actual names of all of the buttons and dials I've been using :)
Quite honestly I wouldn't care too much if I didn't learn anything new.
Because it's a night out.
To play with my camera.
IvyLane is having a Christmas "bid to win" launch starting today...
Basically, you bid and you're entered to win some pretty amazing prizes!
It's been raining here for like FOREVER so my pics aren't that great. That'll teach me to wait til the last minute...!
Here are my listings, they both start LOW with NO RESERVE!!!
i love you snow much... (there's a heart that peeks out from behind the snowman!)
and euro christmas...
which is m2m Jen of little*red*wagon...
Jen traded us the outfit for some jewels which we are SO THRILLED, isn't is adorable? We love it!
You can get your own hoodie dress here!
You can find ALL of IvyLane's launch listings here!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
eBay news...
...remember these fabulous jeans?
They were made by Katie of my*toot*toot, you can find them here!!! Hurry!
and IvyLane is having a "bid to win" launch this thursday...
Get ready to bid and win some AMAZING prizes from our designers!!!