I took advantage of the kids being gone and worked all night finishing up on orders :)
The first thing we did this morning was take my last pile of orders to the Post Office (woo-hoo!) and then we went looking for garage sales.
It was almost a bust until the last house- they had 2 sons who were 14 and 15 and had outgrown their legos, and they wanted to get rid of them. So they sold us this big plastic drawer and whatever legos we could fit inside for $20!!!
I think we got HUNDREDS of dollars worth, as well as HOURS of entertainment for the boys...
Since all of my orders were out I felt released to get things done aound the house that I've been wanting to do.
So we painted the girls' room...
Even Tessa got to help. She took it very seriouly. She wanted to stay and paint more but it was getting too messy...
After pics will come once the room is put back together and decorated :) I'm so excited to see the end result, I really LOVE the pink we picked out!
Then we have our bathroom to finish, backsplash in the kitchen, an attic to clean out... :)