Saturday, May 31, 2008

camping, legos & paint...

Last night Ryan took the kids camping... in our backyard (rain was possible so they stayed close). I popped in to visit them before bedtime and Ryan had them all fixed up with a fan, snacks and a DVD player- really roughing it *snicker*


I took advantage of the kids being gone and worked all night finishing up on orders :)

The first thing we did this morning was take my last pile of orders to the Post Office (woo-hoo!) and then we went looking for garage sales.

It was almost a bust until the last house- they had 2 sons who were 14 and 15 and had outgrown their legos, and they wanted to get rid of them. So they sold us this big plastic drawer and whatever legos we could fit inside for $20!!!


I think we got HUNDREDS of dollars worth, as well as HOURS of entertainment for the boys...


Since all of my orders were out I felt released to get things done aound the house that I've been wanting to do.

So we painted the girls' room...


Even Tessa got to help. She took it very seriouly. She wanted to stay and paint more but it was getting too messy...


After pics will come once the room is put back together and decorated :) I'm so excited to see the end result, I really LOVE the pink we picked out!

Then we have our bathroom to finish, backsplash in the kitchen, an attic to clean out... :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

and so it says...


Went to the doc today, baby's doing great! Just 4 more weeks :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

aunt Jen is swell...

...she made this adorable skirt set from Moda's new Swell line...


She made the tank for Tessa,

...(if you want one you can find them in her Etsy shop HERE!)...

then asked us to model the skirt with the tank, and, well, Tessa and I both fell in love with the skirt...


...and we HAD to have it...


...thank you Aunt Jennifer!!!


Tessa LOVES her new outfit :o)


they're not pigtails...

according to Tessa, these are called "puppy dog ears"...


I have come to the realization that soon I will have TWO little girls who will want their hair fixed, nails painted, take Dora bubble baths, have tea parties, shop for shoes... I'm so excited!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

35 weeks and whining...



I'm big, swollen, uncomftorable, not sleeping well, this pain going on, always hot, retaining water in places I didn't know possible, lots of contractions (the fake kind that knock the wind out of ya), very tired, moody, and I REALLY want to lay on my stomach SO BAD!!!

...and I'm going to get bigger? Oh, man...

But I know that once I get to see her and hold her it will ALL have been worth it :)

pre-dinner entertainment...

The kids and I went to pick up Ryan at his office to take him out to dinner last night.

We were all showered up and fresh and dressed nice (meaning we were NOT wearing our soccer shorts and t-shirts!).

When we got there, Ryan had already left his office.

We found him fishing in the pond.



...the boys got to fish :) They love fishing, Daddy takes them pretty often...


Jonah, how big was your fish?


Caleb, how big was your fish?


Ummm, I think he's exagerating a bit :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

our morning...

For Caleb's EEG he had to stay up until midnight last night and then get up at 5am this morning, they wanted him sleep deprived. Ryan took him to the late showing of Chronicles of Narnia last night (which they both loved) while I went to bed early and then he slept in while I got Caleb up at 5am. Our appointment was at 8 am.

It went well and quicker than we had expected, first the tech hooked 25 electrodes onto Caleb's head and then wrapped him up so they wouldn't pop off. Next she had him blow the pinwheel for 5 minutes (very exausting for a little guy!). Then he closed his eyes while strobe-like lights blinked in front of him. Lastly he got to go to sleep for about 15 minutes- and he zonked! It was hard waking him up.

I forgot to take my camera (can you believe it?!) so here are pics from my camera phone...


You can see all of the wires sticking out from behind him!


We went home and he went back to sleep for a couple of hours.

Now we just wait for the pediatric neurologist to call us with results :)

taking a break...

I've decided to close my Etsy shop a little earlier than expected... kids are home for the summer now and I still have quite a few orders to get done. It's VERY hard for me to close, but there are lots of things that still need to be done- like paint the girls' room pink and pick a name for the baby!

It's funny, when you have 3 other kids it's hard to find time to even talk about potential names! We talk names a little bit here and there, but nothing has been decided. We have managed to come up with a top 3 list :) I would still LOVE to hear suggestions!!!

I also want to enjoy the first part of the summer with the kids without having jewelry orders in the back of my mind! I have a few places I'd like to take them before we have a newborn to take with us.

I may list a few ready to ship items, but I think I'm done with custom orders until after the baby is born... just 5 more weeks!

Remember this night? We get up at 5am for Caleb's EEG, please pray that we get some answers :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

what's new...

Here are a couple of things I've been working on in between my custom orders...

I'm having fun playing with fun charms, and I've been finding some really cute charms lately which have kept me insipred. I wish I had more time for new stuff, but I have to keep up with my orders, happy customers are the best :)

This would make a great gift for a special teacher...


And this one isn't quite finished, but it was a special request from a fellow blogger. I love the sun stamp...


You can find both in my Etsy shop!

More are on the way!

Monday, May 19, 2008

a pool and popsicles...

Today it hit 100 degrees.

We all agreed.

It was pool time...



and don't forget the popsicles...



why do all kids think bunny ears are so funny?


my boys...


wrinkly feet...



2 more days of school and it's officially summer!!!

lil piggies...

This morning when I went to wake Jonah up for school this was all I could see of him, the rest of his body and head were all covered up... and I just couldn't resist...


Sunday, May 18, 2008

bible trivia...

Ryan started to quiz the kids on the Bible today. Caleb LOVES to be quizzed.

So Ryan asked them, "Who had a donkey that talked to him?"

5 year old Jonah quickly raised his hand, "I know! I know!"

Ryan asks, "who?"

Jonah proudly answers, "SHREK."

Hmmm... maybe we need to read this story again :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

fresh & peachy...

Jessica of Queen*Bree*Designs asked if I'd like to partner up with her in the colors launch for an eBay group we're in and I said of course! So each pair was given a color, then the designer makes the outfit out of that color for the other to model for pics.

We got the color PEACH.

At first I wasn't too sure about it, but then I thought of the Fresh Cut line and mentioned it to Jessica and she ran with it! I'm amazed with what she did with the color peach!!! I absolutely love the set :)


You get the top and the skirt with all of these amazing details...


AND you get a fun tulle underskirt that helps it to poof out... and makes them feel like a princess- Tessa loved it!


To see the rest of the set and BID (she started it LOW for a 4 piece set!), click HERE!!!

Thank you Jessica for working with us, it was fun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

waiting for grandma...

Tonight was Tessa's night to stay over at Grandma E.'s making her the envy of her brothers. She helped me pack up her bags and then I found her like this...


...just staring out the front window longingly awaiting Grandma's arrival.


I think she sat there for about 20 minutes before Grandma came...


Is she here yet?


When Grandma's car pulled up she started to shriek "she's here! she's here!"

When Tessa's gone I miss her so much... :)

So the boys and I made brownie sundaes and cuddled on the couch to watch our favorite show- "Deal or no Deal"! We all love shouting "NO DEAL!" at the TV, and then groaning when they lose it all. I love nights where we get to do NOTHING, they seem so rare these days as we're busy with sports practices, games, etc. I look forward to nights when we have nothing on the calendar!

Tessa and I went to the doctor this morning and the baby is doing great, but at some point (unknown to me) they moved my due date back about a week to July 3rd! So I get to be pregnant a whole extra week... woo. hoo.

This afternoon I stamped charms for about 2 hours! I took a break and made something new...


I really like this one, I may have to keep it for myself! I hardly ever keep my samples, but I love the way this one lays on my neck...


You can find them in my Etsy shop.

wanna win $20?

Then head on over to Gina's UnPink Life Blog, take a peek at her WAHM shops on the right side of her blog (ahem, yes mine is one of them!) and then tell her which one you like the best! You will then be entered to win a $20 gift certificate to your favorite shop!!!

So come on over and support us WAHM's!!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

guesting with the lil peas...



I brought sushi to match Kristen, Strawberry Lemondade to match Sandy, and a picnic by the sea with Tammy!

Find all of my listings HERE!!!

Finad ALL of the Lil Peas listings HERE!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

a day at the lake...

For Mother's Day we headed to the lake for a cookout, some fishing, splashing in the water (well the kids splashed, not me!), throwing the football around with the uncles (my big bros)... I was too busy doing nothing (does sunning count as something?) to take very many pictures, but I made sure to get some of my nephew Andrew per request of my Mother...


I think he looks like an Abercrombie model... (although I DESPERATELY want to cut his hair!!!)


it's hard to believe that in high school I used to change his diapers and rock him to sleep...


now he's taller than me...


and he'll be 14 this year!!!


he's probably the nicest kid I have ever met...


My middle brother and his son...


All I think when I see this picture is "Old Man Fishin' "... (sorry Dad!)


My niece Sydney caught the only fish...(although she made Caleb bait her hooks for her!)


Don't worry, they let him go...


Hope you all had a fun Mother's Day!!!

OH! And according to the random number generator the winner of the necklace is... Gina of Days Numbr'd!!! Email me Gina!