My friend
Jennifer (not this
Jennifer, a different one!) and I played raquetball this morning and it was very therapeutic for me! For several reasons, but 2 major ones:
1. There is something about just chatting and laughing with a girlfriend that makes all stress go away, at least temporarily! This friend and I have alot in common, we're the same age, we have 7 kids between the 2 of us and one of every age from 2-8, and we love to just chat about
whatever. Somehow between the chatting and laughing at each other's raquetball form we managed to squeeze in 3 games. I am blessed to have several really good friends and I am so bad about hanging out with them as much as I should, I always feel better after some time with the girls.
2. There is also something
very therapeutic about hitting that raquetball with all of your might over and over again! It's a major stress reliever and it feels so good to clobber something and it's okay to do it! I haven't hit Jennifer (yet).
Then this afternoon it was Denist time, here are the boys showing me their CLEAN pearly whites!

They were soooooo excited to go to the dentist! Caleb has been a few times before, but this was Jonah's first time and he loved it. I hate going to the the dentist, glad they don't take after me! The boys were very good and love their new toothbrushes. Jonah has already unraveled his floss thinking it was some pretty cool rope.
We discovered by x-ray that Caleb inherited something from Ryan- they are both missing their bottom 2 middle adult teeth. It's genetic and actually pretty common. Ryan is 32 and still has 2 baby teeth!